Plan An All-Season Landscape Design

An all-season landscape design is one that will provide color and texture throughout every month of the year. Use the strategies below to help you select plant varieties and decide where to plant them.

An All-Season Design

An all-season landscape design is one that features several groups of high-performing plants. Each group will accent your property during a specific season. The use of an all-season landscape design will provide your property with visual interest each day.

Plant Research

Research shrubs, trees, vines, and flowering/non-flowering plants that are native to the area you live in. During your research, you will learn about the ideal surroundings that various species will thrive in. You will also acquire information about the amount of sunlight and water that native species require. 

Property Division

Consider how large various plants will grow. If you decide to plant trees in your yard, designate areas that will provide plenty of space for the trees to thrive.

After you have settled on some groups of seasonal items to add to your yard, create a landscape design chart. The chart should depict the manner in which you would like to divide your property.

If you will be adding an equal number of plants to your property for each season, space the plants out on your design chart. Indicate the placement of each plant, plus the quantity of each plant species that you plan on adding to each garden plot or flowerbed.

Tools And Materials

Prepare a list of the landscape tools and accessories that you will need when installing the new plants. A sod cutter, rake, and tiller will help you prepare the land. Topsoil will be needed to fill in holes on your property. Pavers and other hardscape materials can be used to create a border around the new additions. If you would like to draw attention to your property during the day and night, the installation of landscape lighting will be helpful.

Professional Guidance

If you need help with any part of the landscaping project, consult with a landscape designer or a landscape contractor. If you decide to hire a professional, they will provide guidance throughout each stage of the landscaping project.

The professional you hire will help you select ideal locations to plant items. They can also offer advice on how to care for and maintain all of the seasonal plants that you have chosen to add to your land. For more information on landscape design, contact a professional near you.
