Large trees are a major component of your landscaping. In addition to the trees' beauty, they can also provide valuable shade on hot days. However, if the trees are not properly maintained, they can also become hazards.
What Are Tree Hazards?
Tree hazards are situations where trees threaten people or property due to their size, location, or structural integrity. These threats may include falling branches or entire trees toppling over during storms or high winds.
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Landscaping with trees will add color and depth to your property. Select trees that grow well in your region. Then plant and care for the trees year-round.
Ornamental trees, shade trees, and fruit trees offer different benefits. Decide what you would like to gain by adding new trees to your property. If you live in a hot region, for instance, you may be interested in purchasing trees that are destined to get large and provide you with plenty of shade.
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Lawn areas around businesses and on commercial campuses can be especially weed-prone because weed seeds are tracked in from far-flung places on the feet of staff and clients. Weedy lawns don't just impact the first impression clients have of your business, they can also make it harder to properly maintain the landscaping. Preventing weeds doesn't have to be complicated, though.
1. Edge Management
Weeds often make their way into commercial lawns from foot traffic coming and going from the business.
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If you are hiring a landscape contractor, you should consider adding a pollinator garden to your landscaping. A pollinator garden attracts pollinating insects, such as bees and butterflies. Keep reading for two reasons you should do this, as well as the types of flowers that work well for this type of garden.
Help Honeybees
One of the best benefits of adding a pollinator garden to your yard is that you will get to help honeybees.
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Snow removal is crucial when running a business that depends on people having access to your shop, store, or office. Commercial snow removal contractors can help with plowing and treating your exterior areas throughout the winter, and it is essential to know what services you can expect from your contractor when the weather turns bad.
Roads And Parking Areas
When you are in a part of the country that gets a lot of snow throughout the winter, you need to have a commercial snow removal service ready to deal with opening up the roads to your business and clearing the parking areas for people to use.
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