Tips For Beautiful Fall Landscaping

Just because summer is ending doesn't mean you have to give up your dreams of a colorful, hardy garden. Fall is the perfect time for cool-weather plants and to start planning ahead to your spring displays and beds. Some of the best plants for fall gardens are below: Sweet peas are a cool-weather plant that truly thrives in the autumn and fall, bringing color to your garden. Pumpkins and squash are cool season veggies that will begin to yield a harvest during fall, just before the first frost. Read More 

Five Festive Fall Landscaping Projects And Garden Ideas

Give your yard a little love this fall with some festive and simple landscaping ideas. Prepare your yard and garden for the cooler weather ahead with some planting tips, while still maintaining an intriguing and eye-catching space. Five festive fall projects that will get the family outside are: 1.Go with a lot of mums. Mums are the perfect transition for a colorful garden from summer to fall, and they thrive in cooler, autumnal temperatures. Read More 

Having A Patio Garden Put In? 3 Tips To Consider For The Design

Enjoying a patio garden can be a great alternative to having an in-ground garden or one that's located quite a distance from the door. If you're having paving done and other work in your yard with the installation of a patio and your main goal is to have a garden put in during the project, you need to consider what specifically needs to be done. With the below tips considered and good communication with the designers working on the patio, you can be sure that it is installed without any complications and that you're able to get the patio you want put in. Read More 

Bye Bye, Bugs: Natural Pesticides You Should Know About

Whether you're growing fruit, herbs, flowers, or something in between, it gives you a sense of pride to see your creations flourishing and bearing fruit. However, nothing can stop a profitable garden in its tracks quite like bugs, and bugs exist in every land, climate, and growing season. But what if you don't want to spray chemical pesticides from your supermarket on your growing lovelies? If you're looking for some information on natural pesticides that you can use, then here's what you need to know. Read More 

Have A Lack Of Storage Space? Invest In Routine Lawn Care To Avoid Buying Equipment

Buying a home almost always requires you to make some compromises. In this case, you may have happily purchased your new home, but the unfortunate part is that you gave up ample storage space. This means you will have to come up with solutions to avoid running into any complications. For instance, you may have a yard that needs to be maintained, but not owning equipment will make it a tough task to handle. Read More